
Detailed information about a certain character in the game.

Character Information
Name Cass
Vocation Knight
Level 30
Sex Male
Residence Thais
Last Login Jun 30 2024 17:01
Status offline
Created Mar 10 2024 10:54
Account Status Free Account
Apr 27 2024 19:09 Killed at level 28 by Kazordoon (unjustified) (soloed)
Apr 11 2024 17:30 Killed at level 23 by an orc berserker. (soloed)
Apr 06 2024 07:57 Killed at level 17 by Jaded Magic Princess (unjustified)
and by Galerion. (unjustified)
Apr 06 2024 04:44 Killed at level 17 by Dara Arcturra (unjustified) (soloed)
Apr 04 2024 22:15 Killed at level 18 by a dwarf. (soloed)
Apr 01 2024 22:52 Killed at level 14 by a dwarf. (soloed)
Apr 01 2024 11:44 Killed at level 13 by a dwarf guard. (soloed)
Mar 31 2024 16:41 Killed at level 12 by a dwarf soldier. (soloed)
Mar 31 2024 15:02 Killed at level 12 by a giant spider. (soloed)

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