
Detailed information about a certain character in the game.

Character Information
Name Hexenmeister Von Angmar

25,370 13 223 107 570 3 10 11 11 10 38 18 10
Vocation Paladin
Level 13
Sex Male
Residence Carlin
Last Login Jul 02 2024 21:40
Status offline
Created May 18 2024 18:58
Account Status Free Account
Online Time
Today 1 Day ago 2 Days ago 3 Days ago 4 Days ago 5 Days ago 6 Days ago 7 Days ago All time
1m 30s2m 28s22h 57m 32s

Exp History
1 Day ago 2 Days ago 3 Days ago 4 Days ago 5 Days ago 6 Days ago 7 Days ago

Player Kills
Date Player Killed Justified
Jun 14 2024 18:41Satulino at level 11unjustified
Jun 14 2024 15:47Rebeco at level 17justified
Jun 09 2024 21:24Meat Roll at level 9unjustified
Jun 09 2024 21:22Osiolek at level 14unjustified

Jun 14 2024 18:43 Killed at level 13 by Elite Knight (soloed)
Jun 14 2024 16:08 Killed at level 14 by Castiel (soloed)
Jun 14 2024 16:05 Killed at level 14 by Castiel (soloed)
Jun 14 2024 15:56 Killed at level 15 by Syndra (soloed)
Jun 14 2024 15:54 Killed at level 15 by Castiel (soloed)
Jun 14 2024 15:53 Killed at level 16 by Castiel (soloed)
Jun 14 2024 15:51 Killed at level 16 by Castiel (soloed)
Jun 14 2024 15:48 Killed at level 17 by Castiel (soloed)
Jun 14 2024 15:44 Killed at level 17 by Rebeco (unjustified) (soloed)
Jun 11 2024 06:56 Killed at level 18 by a giant spider. (soloed)

Name Level Vocation Last login Status
Tobias The Knight 1 No vocation Jul 02 2024 22:04 offline
Thranduil 1 No vocation Jul 02 2024 22:04 offline
Sorcerer Tobias 1 No vocation Jul 02 2024 22:04 offline

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