
Detailed information about a certain character in the game.

Character Information
Name Lady Magic

62,082 17 230 305 560 28 15 20 10 10 10 24 36
Account Banishment This character is currently banned for Using unofficial software to play permanently
Vocation Druid
Level 17
Sex Female
Residence Thais
Last Login Jul 01 2024 06:40
Status offline
Created Jun 11 2024 21:47
Account Status Free Account
Online Time
Today 1 Day ago 2 Days ago 3 Days ago 4 Days ago 5 Days ago 6 Days ago 7 Days ago All time
28m 34s6h 51m 11s11h 10m 36s14h 26m 24s1h 41m 11s9h 2m 7s5d 4h 8m 42s

Exp History
1 Day ago 2 Days ago 3 Days ago 4 Days ago 5 Days ago 6 Days ago 7 Days ago

Player Kills
Date Player Killed Justified
Jul 01 2024 04:17Deeps at level 19unjustified
Jul 01 2024 03:35Leidy Bombon at level 18unjustified
Jul 01 2024 03:34Papacito at level 19unjustified

Jun 24 2024 20:53 Killed at level 14 by field item (soloed)
Jun 22 2024 01:44 Killed at level 12 by a slime. (soloed)
Jun 18 2024 02:12 Killed at level 9 by a ghoul. (soloed)
Jun 17 2024 23:53 Killed at level 8 by a wolf. (soloed)
Jun 17 2024 23:09 Killed at level 8 by a troll.
and by a poison spider..
Jun 12 2024 04:48 Killed at level 7 by field item (soloed)
Jun 12 2024 01:47 Killed at level 6 by a poison spider. (soloed)
Jun 11 2024 22:45 Killed at level 5 by field item (soloed)

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