
Detailed information about a certain character in the game.

Character Information
Name Nahuia Mitaruna
Vocation Elder Druid
Level 46
Sex Male
Residence Venore
Last Login Jul 03 2024 08:19
Status offline
Created Jan 20 2024 19:01
Account Status Premium Account
Jun 12 2024 09:07 Killed at level 47 by Borsuk Dziki Wieprz (unjustified) (soloed)
Jun 11 2024 10:23 Killed at level 49 by Borsuk Dziki Jelen (unjustified) (soloed)
Jun 10 2024 09:16 Killed at level 50 by Borsuk Dziki Jelen (unjustified) (soloed)
Jun 07 2024 23:04 Killed at level 50 by a minotaur archer.
and by a minotaur mage..
May 30 2024 19:55 Killed at level 49 by a cyclops.
and by a minotaur guard..
May 07 2024 01:17 Killed at level 40 by Flamer Teodor (unjustified)
and by Firiims. (unjustified)
Apr 15 2024 10:11 Killed at level 26 by a ghoul. (soloed)
Apr 14 2024 15:43 Killed at level 23 by a cyclops. (soloed)
Apr 08 2024 09:57 Killed at level 23 by a minotaur guard.
and by a minotaur archer..
Apr 08 2024 09:52 Killed at level 23 by a minotaur guard. (soloed)

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