
Detailed information about a certain character in the game.

Character Information
Name Yankis Rox

801,056 38 335 461 770 41 10 20 10 14 10 22 42
Account Banishment This character is currently banned for Using unofficial software to play permanently
Vocation Elder Druid
Level 38
Sex Male
Residence Ab'Dendriel
Last Login Jun 24 2024 11:19
Status offline
Comment Play back.
Created Jun 07 2024 18:07
Account Status Premium Account
Online Time
Today 1 Day ago 2 Days ago 3 Days ago 4 Days ago 5 Days ago 6 Days ago 7 Days ago All time
1h 43m 25s11d 12h 36m 7s

Exp History
1 Day ago 2 Days ago 3 Days ago 4 Days ago 5 Days ago 6 Days ago 7 Days ago

Player Kills
Date Player Killed Justified
Jun 22 2024 03:32Masashi Kishimoto at level 17justified
Jun 19 2024 10:17Teixiera at level 15unjustified
Jun 16 2024 17:30Pirepejeparapoya at level 19justified

Jun 19 2024 09:33 Killed at level 33 by Caxeiro (unjustified) (soloed)
Jun 16 2024 17:23 Killed at level 30 by Pirepejeparapoya (unjustified) (soloed)
Jun 16 2024 01:20 Killed at level 29 by a dragon. (soloed)
Jun 14 2024 18:35 Killed at level 26 by Ahada Ash (unjustified)
and by Croser.
Jun 14 2024 05:32 Killed at level 26 by a minotaur mage. (soloed)

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