
Information about a specific house Nostalther.

Sorcerer's Avenue Labs 2f

This house has 1 bed.

This house has a size of 19 square meters. The monthly rent is 950 gold and will be debited from the depot of Thais

This house has been rented by Mendigo Do Panico. They have paid rent until Feb 28 2025 05:02:14.

House FAQs

How to purchase a house

Houses can be purchased using the House Auction system from this page. If a house currently does not have an owner, you will see a section where you can start or participate in an auction from this page.

If you have the winning bid, the payment will also conver the first months rent and be taken from the depot of the town the house belongs to.

The auction will end at server save 5 days after the first bid is made.

The money for auction must be in your depot before the auction ends.

Warning: If you fail to pay the bid for the house auction, your account will be banned for 7 days. Placing high bids in house auctions with no intention to pay, solely to inflate the price or prevent sale may also result in harsher punishments being issued.

How to sell a house

If you own a house, you will see a House Transfer section on this page You can transfer the house to another player for free or for an agreed price.

Once a house transfer request has been created, the player you wish to transfer the house to also needs to visit this page to agree to the price and transfer.

If a house transfer request is accepted, the house transfer will be processed during the next server save.

Any items left inside the house will be sent to the current owners depot before the house is transfered, excluding items that can not be picked up.

How to leave a house

Warning: This action can not be reversed. Only perform this action if you are certain you want to forfeit your house

You can leave your current house by using the !leavehouse command.

Stand inside your house and say !leavehouse.

Any items left inside the house will be sent to your depot, excluding items that can not be picked up.

How to pay rent

To pay rent, place the required amount of gold into your depot in the town the house belongs to.

To pay rent for guildhalls, you must also be the leader of an active guild.

The rent money can be anywhere inside your depot.

If you fail to pay your rent for 7 days in a row, you will be evicted.

Any items left inside the house when you are evicted will be sent to your depot, excluding items that can not be picked up.
