
Latest news about Nostalther.

Welcome, wanderer, to the fascinating world of Nostalther, a massive multiplayer online role playing game. Take the role of a valorous adventurer, explore a huge realm of magic and mystery and make friends with people from all over the world! To start playing sign up for a free account. See you in Nostalther!

Jul 22 2023

House and Rent Changes

Players that own a house that they are no longer eligible own will no longer be able to pay rent on that house until they meet the requirements for owning that house. IE If a player owns a guild hall and is not a guild leader OR if a free account player owns a house that has more than 1 bed, is larger than 25 tiles or belongs to Darashia, Ankrahmun or Port Hope, they will not be able to pay rent, even if they have money in their depot. 

Further to this, the rent price of most houses has been increased. Currently the house rent price is approximately 50gp per square tile in the house, but this previously did not count walls that can have hanging items, tiles that contained beds, ovens, dustbins, casks, tables or statues. The change in rent prices for houses will be reflected on the website. 

This change comes to address the number of houses owned by accounts that have since stopped playing and let their premium time run out, or players that had purchased houses and traded them to players that do not meet the requirements for owning that house. 

Some further updates will also be introduced soon for Guilds that will require multiple Vice Leaders to remain active and also free account players will soon no longer be able to benefit from offline regen from sleeping in beds. 

These changes are coming in as there are a number of accounts currently taking advantage of the situation. These accounts will now need to contribute back into the economy by purchasing premium account from from the shop or trading other players.

Mar 18 2023

March 23rd 2023 Update

The spider and Hydra populations have been growing and expanding around the jungle of Tiquanda and west side of Kha'zeel.

The Minotaurs of the Devourer desert have also found a new nearby location and began rebuilding and expanding their territory. 

Pesky elves have been scouting and have built a camp nearby in Fog Bay, training their army to attack their enemies at Ulderek's Rock.

Female warriors have been sighted and the Orcs have been expanding their territory on Rookgaard. Including a few other mysteries to discover. 

NPCs who sell furniture now also sell Hammers. Hammers can be used to remove some of the unmovable furniture in your house, such as Casks, Ovens, Big Tables. (Note that benches and counters in shops can not be removed).
Furthermore, some new items, including the removable furniture from houses, can now be purchased from the shop
Feb 11 2023

House Deco Contest

New decorative additions to the web shop have been added. Check out the shop to see the new items available you can use to make your house really stand out! 

Notice: Please be sure to restart your Nostalther client to make sure your client is updated to include the new items added to the game. 

Get in now to update your house for the House Decoration contest

Jan 31 2023

January 2023

With today’s server save there has been a full map clean, as well has a wave of updates, improvements, adjustments and alterations. 

Firstly there have been some adjustments to monster AI, pathing, targeting, as well as pathing in general and in addition, further improvements to the map click reliability for those using Nostlather OTClient.
(If anyone notices any irregular behavior or issues with these changes, please contact me asap)

There have been several changes around the world. A small hostile elf camp has sprung up outside Carlin, the cyclops camp south of Thais has expanded, large wolves have built a den outside Ab’Dendriel, dwarves have invaded Cormaya and the dead have begin to rise in the Darashian deeper catacombs. A secret passage to the outskirts of Mintwallin and a way into the dragon lord lair near the Pits of Inferno have also been discovered. 

Several existing NPCs in game will now also have some new missions to be completed for special rewards and unlocking new unique and custom outfits. A hunters logbook can also be purchased form these NPCs which can be used to track certain monster kills. 

A Football and Ice Hocky arena have also been built in Thais. This stadium ma be used in  future events, but anyone is free to play.

Further information about the some finder details changed can be found in the change-log

Dec 25 2022

Christmas 2022

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Santa Claus is around for 1 more day only and giving out 1 more present to all players. Be sure to check him today for your Christmas present!
(If you hadn't yet received your first present, you will not be entitled to receive 2 at once)

The 20% additional points sale is still on but will also end tomorrow when Santa leaves. Head over to the shop now and get your points!

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