January 2023
With today’s server save there has been a full map clean, as well has a wave of updates, improvements, adjustments and alterations.
Firstly there have been some adjustments to monster AI, pathing, targeting, as well as pathing in general and in addition, further improvements to the map click reliability for those using Nostlather OTClient.
(If anyone notices any irregular behavior or issues with these changes, please contact me asap)
There have been several changes around the world. A small hostile elf camp has sprung up outside Carlin, the cyclops camp south of Thais has expanded, large wolves have built a den outside Ab’Dendriel, dwarves have invaded Cormaya and the dead have begin to rise in the Darashian deeper catacombs. A secret passage to the outskirts of Mintwallin and a way into the dragon lord lair near the Pits of Inferno have also been discovered.
Several existing NPCs in game will now also have some new missions to be completed for special rewards and unlocking new unique and custom outfits. A hunters logbook can also be purchased form these NPCs which can be used to track certain monster kills.
A Football and Ice Hocky arena have also been built in Thais. This stadium ma be used in future events, but anyone is free to play.
Further information about the some finder details changed can be found in the change-log